At one level, the world has never known greater prosperity, and yet every day we seem to face growing horrors, as instanced in the last few days by the fate of the Russian plane that crashed in Sinai, and is now strongly suspected of having been blown up.
Trouble lurks everywhere, seen in escalating global conflict, in disease, economic instability… in disintegration of the family … in despair. Only God can help, and there has never been a greater need to pray. Yet ironically, there seems never to have been a time when the general mass of humanity stood farther from God, and so cannot. Many simply don’t believe in Him anymore; or believe Him to be other than He is, so that God is remade in our own image, or recast as a vengeful, merciless tyrant who will brook no rival. Whatever view is taken, the end result is the same: the proliferation and normalization of sin.
“When I pray, coincidences happen…”
Sin is like the build up of rust that gradually obscures the original artifact and eats away the heart, destroying from within. As a society we have become so inured to evil that we can no longer distinguish between right and wrong, to such an extent that evil not just proliferates, but is sanctioned. The only remedy when we come to this point is repentance: to ask God, in His mercy, to forgive us and restore us to life. It is when we do that – and only when we do that – that material conditions around us change and we start to prosper.
“When I don’t pray … they don’t.” William Temple
But without that ‘turning back’, the opposite is true, and further descent into chaos becomes inevitable. Death becomes inevitable. The good news is that our God is a God who hears, and who responds, and His will remains to snatch those from the flames who can be saved. This is what Operation Sovereign is about – praying repentance into the areas of sin strangling national and individual life, so that people may be enabled to see and turn to the Lord for themselves.
We’re asking people to commit to a regular 15 minute prayer slot every Wednesday for a year and, for those who can, to fast every Wednesday too. The start date is Wednesday, 18th November. Will you join us?
This is now the third time Operation Sovereign has run, and results in the past have been truly ‘miraculous’. We think you’ll agree, it’s not a huge commitment … but if we are faithful the effects could be unimaginable!
To sign up, please email
Voice for Justice UK
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Plantation Wharf
London SW11 3TU
+44 7542 468981
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