Trouble with Livestream

Struggling to watch the livestream?

Please read through the following troubleshooting steps before messaging us.

Requirements to watch

Our livestream will be available on Saturday 30th May, at the specified times only. After the final livestream, the video will be available on demand on this page:

Accessing the online streaming link outside of these times will not work.


Video not loading

  • Ensure you have a live internet connection that is capable of handling a live video. Try and watch a video online on another website to test this.
  • Try an alternative Internet browser (we recommend Google Chrome)
  • Ensure you have the correct online stream link:
  • Ensure you are viewing on the correct day, at the correct time
  • If you have kept the browser window open from the previous livestream, please reload the browser at the next presentation time (or just after).

Audio not playing

  • Test your audio hardware/speakers by playing a video or audio track from another website. If you are unable to hear anything, you will need to fix your speakers/hardware first.
  • Check that the video is playing and is not paused
  • Check that you have clicked the ‘Click to Unmute’ button when you first visit the site. This button is located on top of the video and unmissable if you are playing the video.

Web page not loading

  • Ensure you have the correct online stream link:
  • Make sure you have a secure browser, we recommend Google Chrome
  • Ensure that firewalls, security software or anti-virus software is not blocking links from either or
  • Ensure you have a live internet connection that is capable of handling a live video. Try and watch a video online on another website to test this.

If you have read through the above and have ensured that you have tested these to be correct, you can raise a comment on this contact form. Please note, all fields are required, if you are unsure of the answers – please research it to find the answer. Without this information we will not be able to assist you.

Please note, this message will only be responded to at the time of the livestream. If it is outside of these hours, please return to the page and view the on-demand video.

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Voice for Justice UK

7 Windward House

Plantation Wharf

London SW11 3TU

+44 7542 468981


© 2014 – 2024 Voice for Justice UK