Christians losing their jobs for expressing beliefs set down in the Bible; for wearing a cross to work; for praying silently outside abortion clinics … Christian parents called bigots for protesting against RHSE teaching that promotes gender choice and same sex behaviours prohibited in Scripture.
All of this is just scratching the surface. The reality is that Christians are being progressively and relentlessly marginalised by an increasingly secular society that, despite its much-vaunted claims to tolerance and inclusivity, will not tolerate views that go against its own ideological persuasion.
The twin freedoms of belief and of speech are enshrined in UK human rights and equality law (see, for example, Articles 9 and 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights, as enacted in the Human Rights Act 1998 Yet these freedoms are daily traduced by progressive, supposedly liberal, activists who dismiss Christian faith as outdated bigotry. A stance with which the so-called establishment often seems shamelessly to collude.
Faced with mounting concern over the freedom of Christians to manifest and practise their faith in public, VfJUK has today launched CIDAC, a Commission of Inquiry Into Discrimination against Christians, tasked with investigating – impartially and objectively – the existence, nature, context and scale of discrimination faced by Christians in the UK today.
Full details can be found on the website here:
Call for Evidence
Have you suffered disadvantage, hostility, ridicule, abuse, or intolerance? Have you been victimised or discriminated against because of your beliefs? Have you been told to ‘put up or shut up’?
If so, we want to hear from you!
CIDAC is inviting witness submissions from anyone affected by the apparent growing climate of intolerance. See here:
Online hearings before a panel of Commissioners, and open to the public, are expected to begin in mid to late October.
The Inquiry is scheduled to last two years, and will culminate in a Report to be submitted to Parliament.
For further information, or to submit witness testimony email:
Voice for Justice UK
7 Windward House
Plantation Wharf
London SW11 3TU
+44 7542 468981
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