
Lynda’s Blog

Ultimate act of compassion – or licensed murder of the ‘incurable’?

DATE : July 26, 2024 AUTHOR :

Prior to the General Election, Sir Keir Starmer expressed his unequivocal support for any future Bill on assisted dying that would come before Parliament.  Now, barely three weeks into the new Parliament and with what feels to be almost unseemly haste, that Bill is set to be introduced into the House of Lords by Lord Falconer […]


State Sanctioned Murder

DATE : July 23, 2024 AUTHOR :

Do you, assisted dying, take euthanasia to be your lawful wedded husband? Next Friday, on 26th July, former Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice, Lord Falconer of Thoroton, is set to introduce (yet again) his Assisted Dying for Terminally Ill Adults Bill in the House of Lords.  This will be his fifth attempt to introduce […]


The Devil in the Detail

DATE : July 17, 2024 AUTHOR :

In an interview with Beth Rigby of Sky News some three weeks before the General Election, in answer to a question about his support for Jeremy Corbyn, Sir Keir Starmer said, ‘I backed Jeremy Corbyn in 2019 because I thought he would lose.’ As context, it will no doubt be remembered that this is the […]


Into the eye of the storm

DATE : July 10, 2024 AUTHOR :

The fate of the nation hangs by a thread.  The results of the general election will have delighted some and equally horrified others, but this has nothing to do with party allegiances or policies.  The unvarnished truth is that we are a nation under judgment, and to have any hope of surviving the approaching storm – which […]


Why Abortion Matters

DATE : July 4, 2024 AUTHOR :

If you think the material world is all there is, and that men and women are just randomised clumps of cells that cease to exist when they die, no problem – what does it matter if you abort a baby before birth?  In fact, depending on circumstances, termination might be the best outcome all round!  Similarly, if […]


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