There is a right order, on which the existence and wellbeing of humanity depends. And there is a ‘wrong’ order – a disorder – that, though it may be clothed in weasel words of reason and the best interests of all, feeds only the control of the strong. Where ‘disorder’ gains dominance, the rights of lesser mortals, increasingly powerless before an advancing juggernaut of oppression, are all too often overridden or crushed
This is what we are witnessing in the casual sacrifice of the Palestinian people by those who are currently responsible for their care, namely, the terrorist group Hamas. When the terrorists launched their murderous attack on Israel on 7thOctober, they knew precisely what would happen. The desired outcome was never to uphold Palestinian freedoms, but rather to provoke war that would ignite the whole of the Middle East and spread throughout the world: to achieve their expressed aim of wiping Israel off the face of the earth. To this end, they have calculatedly and cold-bloodedly sacrificed the people they were supposed to protect, with civilian casualties and deaths ruthlessly exploited to cast Israelis – the undisputed targets of their hatred – as evil oppressors.
It is this same war that we are seeing now take root on our own streets, with cries of Jihad and Intifada echoing from the lips of those who claim to be demonstrating for peace. The Home Secretary, Suella Braverman, has rightly drawn attention to the offensive nature of some of the chants, posters and stickers that are a feature of the pro-Palestinian peace marches, and which demonstrate all too clearly the growing climate of violent anti-Semitism spreading its poison in our midst.
Despite the fact that this weekend the nation will remember and commemorate those who gave their lives that we might live, the Metropolitan Police have consistently said there are no grounds for banning potentially disruptive demonstrations that compete with that commemoration. The exclusion zone imposed round the Cenotaph late this afternoon is to be welcomed (, but can it really be said that the police lack such power? After all, amongst other related provisions, the Public Order Act 1986 states clearly that it is an offence to stir up religious hatred (s.29B), or not to comply with a direction that may be given not to incite serious disorder, disruption of the life of the community, or intimidation. Whatever the peaceful intentions of many of the demonstrators, these elements – inciting ‘hatred’ against both Israel and Jews worldwide – are clearly to be anticipated, and are both disruptive and intimidating. So surely there are grounds for banning such marches this Remembrance weekend, and Suella Braverman is to be applauded for her brave stand – for daring to voice what others have lacked the courage to say.
We all want to see peace in the Middle East, but it seems that is impossible while Hamas remains in control – as, sadly, demonstrated by the events of 7th October. What is without doubt, however, is that there will be no end to conflict while there remain calls for jihad, the death of all Jews, and intifada (violent uprising) ‘from London to Jerusalem’.
It is no surprise that Jews living in Britain are becoming increasingly fearful, and all such incitement must be resisted. We must not let violence take root on our streets – we’re better than that! But people need leadership, and the truth is we need more politicians who will not be afraid to confront hatred and bigotry, whenever and wherever it rears its ugly head.
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