VFJUK’s important new book examining the ideological reframing of education in the UK, with its erosion of human rights and attendant effects on children and family life.
Epidemic level STIs among teenagers; Teen pregnancy and abortion;
Porn addiction; Unprecedented rates of mental illness; Inability to form and sustain relationships … the list goes on and on!
Over the last years the UK has been witness to unprecedented cultural, social and political change as result of changing attitudes towards sexuality and gender, and the combined but often conflicting pressures of secularism and multiculturalism.
Education has reflected this shift, with the teaching of many once traditional values increasingly proscribed by law. But the policy of giving ever more information without any kind of moral frame has been a spectacular failure, and with the disintegration of what are now branded repressive values, we face a growing crisis that affects the physical, mental and emotional welfare of our young.
Topics covered include:
• What is ‘education’? What, how and why do we teach our young?
• How has education evolved in different societies, and what are the implications for us today?
• What is the role of the family in education?
• How does current education policy fit with the basic human rights of freedom of conscience, belief, and speech?
• How is education being subjected to ideological pressure?
• Detailed analysis of the impact of SRE (Sex and Relationship Education) and so-called ‘inclusivity’ on children and young people.
Does it have to be like this? What can we do?
Edmund P. Adamus: Formerly Director for marriage and family life in the Archdiocese of Westminster. Currently Professional Adviser to the Episcopal Vicar for Education and Schools Commissioner in Portsmouth Diocese.
Anthony Busk: Specialist in forensic social dynamics analysis.
The Baroness Cox: Created a Life Peer in 1982. Well known for her international humanitarian work and fearless campaigner for all those suffering abuse. Long standing campaigner in the field of education.
Brian Hadley: Independent researcher into the top-level issues underlying global culture change.
Robert S. Harris: Robert S. Harris: Author and member of VfJUK and Joint Convenor of the Lords and Commons Family and Child Protection Group.
Edmund Matyjaszek: Educationalist, playwright and poet. Edmund is Principal of The Priory School, an independent Christian school on the Isle of Wight.
Dr Alastair Noble: Former schools’ inspector and Field Officer for School Leaders Scotland.
Philip Quenby: Former lawyer, now writer and film-maker. His five-part documentary Magna Carta Unlocked examines how and why modern civil liberties grew on the back of a failed peace treaty, and what part the Bible played in the process.
Lynda Rose: Anglican priest, writer, and CEO of VfJUK. Joint Convenor of the Lords and Commons Family and Child Protection Group.
Christopher Shell: Activist and social commentator. Christopher holds a double-first from Oxford and a PhD from Cambridge.