Snowflakes at the University of Oxford are once again attempting to suppress opposition to their views and quash all debate, as they pursue their relentless drive to take over the world. This time the object of their attack is world renowned scholar Professor John Finnis, emeritus professor of law and legal philosophy at University College. The heinous crime of which he stands accused is that he is a committed Catholic who, somewhat unusually in this day and age, not only believes the Bible, but has dared speak out in defence of the sanctity of life and traditional marriage. For this he has been branded homophobic and a bigot, and the snowflakes are demanding he be removed (
This is so absurd as to be laughable… were it not so serious. Because these narrow minded and vicious LGBT vigilantes are literally closing down debate and creating a climate where people will be afraid any longer to voice their sincere and honestly held beliefs. Especially in a university, but equally in society at large, people should be encouraged to discuss issues without fear, and be allowed to arrive at their own conclusions without fear of reprisal and victimisation.
Universities were once bastions of free speech, where well-argued and controversial views were encouraged, and it was a mark of distinction to excel in debate. But not now, it appears, because in this brave new world of state imposed equality and diversity, it seems only ‘one’ view is allowed. While religious viewpoints, no matter how sincere, well reasoned, and well argued, are vilified and ridiculed.
This is outrageous. Students should not be allowed to suppress or dictate the views of their teachers – who by definition should be better informed – nor should they be allowed to carry out witch hunts, targeting those with whom they disagree. Shame on them! And shame on those who allow and encourage such narrow-minded intolerance.
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