The many-headed hydra that refuses to die

The Cass Review, heralded as the largest review in the world into children’s care, has unequivocally stated that gender medicine in the UK has been applied without proper medical investigation and has caused harm for children and young people reportedly experiencing gender dysphoria.  Following the Review, the prescription of drugs to halt production of sex hormones causing physical changes at puberty (so-called puberty blockers) has now been banned for all children under 18, except where registered as part of a clinical trial.

The reason for this seeming volte face in gender transitioning policy is simple.  There is clear evidence that at least 80% of children presenting with gender dysphoria (and some studies put the figure as high as 95%) will, if left alone, be entirely happy with their birth sex by puberty.  Giving confused children puberty blockers, however, not just disrupts their brain development –possibly permanently – but makes it highly likely that they will then progress to ‘… irreversible, life-altering … cross-sex hormone treatment .  Such children are also exposed to side effects, listed by the Cass Review as headaches, hot flushes, weight gain, tiredness, low mood and anxiety.  The Review further referenced that even temporary prescription of  puberty blockers may negatively impact mineral bone density, along with increased risk of depression, mood disorders, seizures, heart attack, strokes, and blood clots, for all of which there appears to be increasing independent evidence.  Add to this the growing numbers of young people who have undergone reassignment treatment now seeking to detransition and it is clear all so-called transitioning interventions should be delayed until such time as a young person can fully understand and assent to the proposed treatment.

In line with these findings, the proposed Government Guidance into gender questioning children  advises that a child’s legal sex must always be the same as their biological sex, while discouraging any degree of social transitioning within the school environment.  In other words, it has now been officially recognised that the ideologically driven campaign to promote gender choice has no basis in science and is harmful to vulnerable children, unsure of their position in a large and possibly frightening world, and who may already be suffering from related mental health issues.
The message to schools is clear: confine your task to imparting independently verifiable information and let kids be kids!
Notwithstanding, a significant block of Stonewall affiliated activists is refusing to comply.  A supposedly independent, well-known company providing educational resources to schools, for example, has recently launched a new LGBTQ+ Curriculum review tool for Primary schools.  In a description of the tool kit on its website, it advises:

To foster a more inclusive understanding and foster positive attitudes toward gender and LGBTQ+ inclusivity among your students, it is crucial to implement changes throughout your entire curriculum. Simply addressing topics related to gender and sexuality in a limited number of PSHE or RSE (Personal, Social, Health, and Economic Education; Relationships and Sex Education) lessons is unlikely to yield significant results.

… This tool can guide you in exploring ways to seamlessly integrate these topics across various areas of learning. By embedding discussions on gender and LGBTQ+ inclusivity throughout the curriculum, you can promote a comprehensive and holistic understanding among your pupils (emphasis added). 

On any assessment, this is a strategy designed to promote the indoctrination of children into a questionable ideology that will put them at extreme risk of medical, psychological, and social harm.   
Coming so quickly in wake of the Cass review and the proposed Government Guidance, such advice is truly shocking, but it serves to expose the cultural divide and battle for control now raging in our country.  LGBTQ+ has become a religion, that demands absolute and total obedience from acolytes and non-believers alike.  It seeks total domination and will brook no opposition, branding any and all who disagree as intolerant bigots, who must be overcome.  
He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future.”  So said Adolf Hitler.  Let us make no mistake, there is purpose in the attempt to indoctrinate children, and it has nothing to do with child welfare. It is rather a form of grooming, and, as such, is a safeguarding issue. 
On its website, the government defines education as ‘… the foundation of our culture, and … an essential preparation for adult life.  But the function of education is actually far wider than that, and its primary purpose is to impart to children the knowledge and skills that will enable them to find their place in, and contribute to, society.  More than that, it is giving them the tools to think, to discriminate between that which is good and that which leads to harm, and to make their own judgment.   It is not the function of education to tell children what they have to think, and feel, and do – in other words, to indoctrinate them.  
The battle to assert and embed gender ideology and LGBTQ+ lifestyle choices and behaviours is not an expression of tolerance and diversity, and it most certainly isn’t ‘inclusive’.  For the sake of our children, who by definition lack the intellectual and emotional maturity to assess the truth for themselves, the mindless imposition of LGBTQ+ ideology must be resisted.
The political activist group, Stonewall, which boasts of being at the forefront of ‘a vibrant global movement for change’, and of its campaigns to transform public attitudes and policy, has taken to heart Hitler’s words and has, in recent years, especially targeted children.  As part of its drive, many of the educational provider companies promoting inclusivity and diversity have been given ‘Stonewall champion’ status, and have been working in partnership with them.  But Stonewall’s influence has increasingly been recognised as damaging, so much so that government departments have in recent months been urged to cut all links with the so-called charity and withdraw from their diversity scheme.  
Stonewall must not be allowed, through satellite companies, to impose its agenda for change onto children.
Please write to you MP today, asking him to seek assurance from the Department for Education that the use of all Stonewall affiliated materials in schools will be banned.  Ask him to let you know the DfE’s reply.

Template letter 
please feel free to adapt as you wish

It has come to my attention that schools in the locality are or may be using education resources supplied by external companies seeking to embed gender and LGBTQ+ inclusivity across the entire curriculum.  A well-known company providing educational resources to schools, for example, has recently launched a new LGBTQ+ Curriculum review tool for Primary schools.  In a description of the tool kit on its website, it advises:

To foster a more inclusive understanding and foster positive attitudes toward gender and LGBTQ+ inclusivity among your students, it is crucial to implement changes throughout your entire curriculum. Simply addressing topics related to gender and sexuality in a limited number of PSHE or RSE (Personal, Social, Health, and Economic Education; Relationships and Sex Education) lessons is unlikely to yield significant results.

Such promotion can only be seen as part of a political drive to embed LGBTQ+ ideology into schools, and is contrary to the requirement for political impartiality that is required of all schools and teachers (

It is an overt attempt to indoctrinate children and young people into a politically driven ideology that seeks political and cultural change within society as a whole, as openly called for by Stonewall, on their website (   More than that, however, the promotion of gender choice to children, and their encouragement to sexual experimentation, is a form of grooming, and exposes them to harm.  As such, this is a safeguarding issue.

Please seek clarification from the Department for Education as to what measures it is now taking to ensure the elimination of attempts to indoctrinate children into acceptance of life-style choices and behaviours that put children at risk.  Please could you let me know what response you receive.

With best wishes,

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