On 6th June 1944, Allied forces stormed the Normandy beaches in a brave push to liberate France and push the Nazis out of Western Europe. Under heavy fire from the German occupying forces, 4,145 British, US, and Canadian troops died that day, with around a further 10,000 wounded. Allied leaders had always known the casualties were likely to be shockingly high, but they had also known it was a price that had to be paid, if Hitler was to be defeated and Europe set free.
As they crossed the choppy waters of the Channel and clambered into the 4,000 landing craft that would deliver them to the beaches, the young soldiers knew that many of them wouldn’t survive. What’s truly amazing, however, is that, even so, they didn’t falter. Young men, the majority in their late teens and early twenties, frightened, seasick, and far from home … did what had to be done.
In the 1940s, as German forces swept across Europe and countries all around fell, Britain had literally stood alone, facing the threat of imminent invasion, and defeat had seemed almost inevitable. But, across the nation, those young men answered the call for King, for country, and for God, giving their all so that their families might be protected, and Britain might be free. It is because of them that we are here today.
So what would those, who gave their tomorrows for our today, think of us now? It is a shocking indictment that over the last 80 years we have increasingly replaced any idea of duty and responsibility towards others with worship of ‘Self’, prioritising the indulgence and satisfaction of our every whim and desire over all else. As a nation we have rejected God, contemptuously celebrating the pagan and profane, and welcoming to our shores belief systems that at heart are hostile to Christ. We have misguidedly facilitated ‘invasion’ – and all in the name of tolerance, diversity, and inclusivity. As a result, as a nation we have become morally weak, self-indulgent, compromised, and corrupt … diseased. By this and more, we have failed to honour the sacrifice of those who died. We have written our own judgment.
But, though under attack from all sides, the foundations of our nation remain Christian. Our democracy is founded on the Bible, and our ‘British’ values of fair play, honour, decency, and fidelity are rooted in our historic allegiance to Christ. It is time for us to recover those values, and once again make a stand. In the challenges that lie ahead only God can help us – only God can deliver us from what is, at heart, the onslaught of evil. But we need a leader. We need a man or woman of God, who will fearlessly and without compromise confront and fight the forces of darkness seeking to overcome our land.
On 4th July, our nation goes to the polls to elect a new government. In a previous blog, VfJUK said that in this time of crisis we need ‘a new Churchill’. We believe that in answer to prayer across the nation – and far from abandoning us to our fate – God has already chosen just such a leader, but that person is at present hidden. The manifestation of God’s anointing awaits its appointed time, but there is a ‘David’ out there, and we believe the Lord is calling us now to pray – over him or her – revelation, anointing, and protection. Whatever we have gone through up to now, the real battle is just beginning and there will be fierce attack. There will be casualties; but, if we keep faith, the Lord Himself will go before us.
Your country needs you
Our nation is at a tipping point, and what happens now and over the next few months will determine whether we stand or fall. At this point, it could go either way. When faced with similar crises in WW2, the King called the nation to pray and, in response, God delivered us miraculously from what looked like certain defeat. For almost two thousand years, God has been our shield, protecting us from attack and delivering us from our foes.
Cometh the hour … join us as we humble ourselves before God and stand in the gap for our nation, that He may even now hear from heaven and deliver us. Join us to pray for the man or woman He has chosen to be revealed, and for God’s anointing to be released upon them. Join us, in prayer, to make a path in the desert.
Call to prayer and fast, Saturday 22nd June
Time: 10.30 a.m – 12.30 noon
Via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 898 6563 1589
Passcode: 412773
Marines honouring fallen comrades at D-Day, 6th June 2024
Voice for Justice UK
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Plantation Wharf
London SW11 3TU
+44 7542 468981
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