Please sign our petition to stop abuse of the Liverpool Care Pathway
In recent months it has become increasingly obvious that the Liverpool Care Pathway, originally developed to provide compassionate care and support for patients in the latter stages of terminal illness, has been massively abused in NHS hospitals throughout the UK. Elderly and/or chronically sick patients, whose quality of life is judged to be poor, and for whom medical care would be expensive, are being put on this Pathway, often without the knowledge of either themselves, or their family (see The Telegraph report of December 1st, 2012). This is scandalous. We have reached a situation where people are becoming actively frightened of going into hospital. Correctly used, this Pathway can provide excellent care, but people need adequate access to hospital treatment without fear of its misapplication.
Please sign our petition, addressed to the government and calling for immediate regulation of this Pathway so as to provide safeguards against its further misapplication and abuse. The petition can be found at: