Investigate Franklin Graham’s Bullying Opponents for Hate Crimes. Petition Closed
Ideologues intent on imposing their rebranded views on society are increasingly trying to drive Christians out of the public arena. The latest victim is American evangelist Franklin Graham, who planned a four-month evangelistic tour of the UK, in hopes of sparking a Revival similar to that spearheaded by his father Billie Graham, in the 1950s.
Activists have mounted a campaign to get the tour stopped, branding Mr Graham homophobic, because he maintains, in line with the Bible, that homosexuality is a sin. In defence, Mr Graham has said that we are all sinners – himself included – and that we all stand in need of Christ’s forgiveness. Dismissing this well-established Christian doctrine, however, his opponents have continued their campaign of vilification, with the result that arenas booked across the country have now cancelled (
In a democratic society committed to the rule of law, how can these venomous and intimidatory tactics – that drive out someone who has done no wrong, and who hasn’t broken the law – ever be acceptable? How is it possible thatthose attacking Mr Graham should be allowed to be so intolerant and bigoted, categorically refusing the right of Bible-believing Christians to defend their faith?
We would remind the Government and those tasked with upholding the law that, under Art 9 of the Human Rights Act 1998, everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, and to manifest that belief in public. (
We would further remind them that, under the Equality Act 2010, people must not be discriminated against because they follow a particular religion, and that religion or belief forms one of the nine protected characteristics prescribed by law (
We call for Mr Graham’s bullying opponents to be investigated for hate crimes, and for Her Majesty’s Government to defend the right of Christians to practise and manifest their belief without intimidation or pressure.
Stop hate speech against Christians. Investigate Franklin Graham’s bullying opponents for hate crimes.
Sign the Petition Here.
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