This petition was closed on 4th February 2020 with 6,250 Signatures.
Recent figures released by NHS Digital and reported in the national press reveal that in the past two years 10,593 contraceptive implants have been given to schoolgirls below the age of 15 – some even as young as 12 – without their parents’ knowledge or consent.
This is wrong at a number of levels:
At every level this is wrong. Children can never ‘belong’ to the State, and they should not be subjected to State sexualisation programmes designed to justify adult proclivities and desires.
FACT: Parents have a right and duty to protect their child.
FACT: Children’s brains are not fully developed until the age of 25. They lack the emotional and intellectual maturity to make life-changing decisions.
CONCLUSION: Parents must be fully informed and consulted on all decisions affecting the future development and welfare of their child. They, and they alone, have the right and duty to make such decisions on their child’s behalf.
For all these reasons, we call for a total ban on the insertion of contraceptive implants in underage girls without their parents’ knowledge and written consent.
Voice for Justice UK
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