
gender reassignment

Gender Matters and Child Protection

DATE : June 19, 2024 AUTHOR :

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VfJUK is pleased to announce publication of its latest report, When ‘End of Life’ Care Goes Wrong.

Click here to learn more, purchase the report or download resources from the launch event.


Cometh the hour – we need a Churchill

DATE : May 31, 2024 AUTHOR :

The UK has fallen prey to chaos.  Consider – a hopelessly fractured and no longer fit for purpose NHS; economic shambles and the ever-looming threat of financial collapse; the disintegration of the family and accompanying epidemic of mental illness; a country increasingly having to give way to immigrants; an unprecedented climate of antisemitism and racial intimidation; […]


A nation on the edge of an abyss

DATE : May 24, 2024 AUTHOR :

  The date for the General Election has been announced as 4th July, and we are now in that period known as ‘Purdah’, when Parliamentary business and all major policy decisions – in particular, rulings which may directly conflict with the stated intentional commitments of the cabinet or shadow cabinet – are suspended until, following the election, […]


Is the tide turning at last?

DATE : May 9, 2024 AUTHOR :

‘You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all the time.’  So allegedly said Abraham Lincoln, though exactly when and where has never been verified, but whether correctly attributed or not, the opinion is undoubtedly true.  And nowhere […]


In Allowing Gender Dysphoric Children to ‘Decide’ Treatment for Themsleves, is Society Abdicating its Duty of Care?

DATE : September 21, 2021 AUTHOR :

  Christian Today Lynda Rose 21 September 2021 Following the landmark appeal in the Keira Bell case, Lynda Rose examines the serious implications of gender dysphoric children under 16 being deemed mature enough to give informed consent and receive puberty blockers. Read here.  

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