The myth of diversity

According to latest figures released by the Office for National Statistics (ONS), around 2.8% of the population of England and Wales, aged 16 or over, currently identify as gay, lesbian, or bisexual, with a further 0.3% identifying as ‘Other sexual orientation’, bringing the grand total not identifying as heterosexual up to 3.1% (   
Now this is interesting, because from the news and recent presentations in the media – which seem to necessitate every drama programme made in the last year having to include and promote sexually ‘diverse’ characters –  one might be excused for thinking an extremely large proportion of the population was in fact not , never had been, and had not the slightest  intention of ever becoming … heterosexual.   Moreover, that they had up to now only been restrained from acknowledging their true inclinations by Christian bigots and a generally cruel, judgmental and repressive world.
Yet these figures, hailed as such a landmark by activists, actually seem to contradict this.  The numbers are admittedly increasing – as result of social infectivity perhaps? – but by no stretch of the imagination can they be classed as ‘high’. 
So why, one asks, is there such an unremitting drive to promote and normalise non-heterosexual behaviour and life-style choices to and amongst the general populace?  And, in particular, why are children the target for such a focused campaign in education to normalise and enforce behaviours that, in the normal course of events, wouldn’t occur to them until far older, and which up until recently were regarded as deviant?  
Yes, people with same sex attraction must be given support, respect, and consideration, but there can be no possible justification for claiming that same sex and bisexual attractions are the same as heterosexual relationships, and of equal value.   Let us be clear, the function of sex is to bind a couple together, while enabling them to conceive a child.  The pleasure derived is not, and was never intended to be, an end in itself.   Rather, it is the glue that bonds the couple together in what should be faithful commitment, that they might support each other, and together care for any children they might have.
As it is, despite claims by Government that the data provides much-needed evidence for inequalities that will justify further programmes for social change, the figures would seem rather to suggest that the current approach is already heavily over-weighted in favour of a vocal minority, which has served to distort and undermine the healthy functioning of society.  

Notwithstanding, Dr Kevin Guyan, Research Fellow at the University of Glasgow and proclaimed LGBT data expert, is reported by the BBC as calling the statistics a “landmark moment for inclusion”.  He goes on to claim that the figures will be used to benefit communities and must be understood as the first step in a longer project of change ( added).   
Based on the data, however, any such programme can be seen only as an ideological attempt to reconfigure society, and it is profoundly dangerous.  For example, deliberate erosion of the stability provided by the traditional family unit increases the risk of financial insecurity to those who find themselves having to raise children alone, while longer-term it increases the risk to individuals of social isolation and loneliness.  
But, perhaps most important of all, is the demonstrable and detrimental effect such rebranding is having upon the nation’s young.  All the research shows that children fare better if they grow up in a stable family environment, preferably with their biological parents.  However, the teaching currently being promoted in our schools doesn’t just reinforce so-called family fluidity and diversity, but encourages sexual experimentation and promiscuity without commitment amongst the children themselves.    This can only exacerbate the growing sense of dislocation experienced by so many young people today, as evidenced by the fact that one in 6 children (18%) were diagnosed last year as suffering from a mental disorder (
These are the statistics that should be underpinning and driving society’s projects for change, and not the self-focused calls of a strident, but very small, minority – demanding influence out of all proportion to their actual numbers.   What is at issue here is not equality, but domination. And it is time we recognised that fact and addressed the issues more honestly.

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