The deficiencies of the government commissioned Bailey Report, once peddled as the definitive answer to irresponsible advertising and marketing as directed at children, were highlighted by the Conference Organiser, Robert Harris, in his introduction, when he said: “The Bailey Report totally failed to address the fundamental problem of SRE which has become a primary vehicle that is sexualising our children. The government is to blame.” It was pointed out that the internet has facilitated increasing exposure to toxic sexual materials, normalizing once-taboo behaviours, and damaging the capacity of children to form normal, stable relationships.
Speakers tackled a diverse range of subjects adversely affecting the welfare of children including SRE provision, sexual health advice and the highest teenage pregnancy and abortion rates in Western Europe. It is very telling, said Lynda Rose, Director of Voice for Justice UK, that “pre-1960s, conception rates for teenagers were so insignificant as to be statistically unrecordable.” She pointed out that with the “advent of sex education, we are now routinely seeing over 30,000 teenage conceptions a year, half of which end in abortion.”
Delegates were unanimous in calling for government urgently to reassess sex education policy. In particular, they demanded broader representation in policy forming bodies, which are currently dominated by sexually permissive interest groups, ridiculing traditional morality.
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