Into the eye of the storm

The fate of the nation hangs by a thread.  The results of the general election will have delighted some and equally horrified others, but this has nothing to do with party allegiances or policies.  The unvarnished truth is that we are a nation under judgment, and to have any hope of surviving the approaching storm – which is now very near – it is urgent we repent. 
What is perhaps most evident in the landslide victory for Labour is not just that people are desperate for something new, but that they are also ‘lost’ and are scrabbling after anything they think might offer a halfway chance of providing a road map out of the current mess.  Yet they look to the wrong things and, in the helter-skelter quest for a solution, it would seem, sadly, that moral values and concepts of responsibility have taken a back seat.  Perhaps, even worse – in light of current global pressures – there is every danger that as a nation we are now allowing ourselves to be led by the aims of political and religious ideologies that at heart are inimical to Western belief and culture.  The demonstrated and growing hatred of Israel, for example, masks an equally virulent hatred of Christians and Western culture as a whole.  Yet, with the aim of promoting multi-cultural unity, government policy appears committed to upholding and even promoting those who call for the destruction of Israel and death for all Jews, in the apparently misguided belief this will promote fairness and social harmony.  It will not.  At heart, hostility to Western Judeo-Christian culture will not lead to peaceful co-existence, but only conflict.

In his book Closing the Ring, volume 5 of his history of WW2, Sir Winston Churchill famously said, “You may always walk with the Devil till you get to the end of the bridge.”  Well, as a nation, for the last sixty or so years, we have increasingly been walking with the Devil in all sorts of ways, but the end of the bridge is now in sight and, unless we draw back, we shall be lost.

In our so-called glory days, we assumed we were invulnerable and could do whatever we wanted, without cost.  Basking in the newly found freedom offered by contraception and abortion, for instance, we seized on our right to have sex without consequence, whenever and wherever we wanted, rejecting family and patriarchy in favour of what we called ‘choice’.  And in this new religion of freedom, we have sacrificed without thought the innocent lives of countless millions of unborn, allowing the iron grip of sin to gain an ever-stronger hold.

The truth is, we have become blinded by our worship of Self, and the result has been ever-increasing social fragmentation, confusion, corruption, and chaos.  We are a nation ripe for conquest and subjugation, whether from internal revolution, external attack, or a combination of both.

It’s time we woke up to the fact that, while the nation continues in rebellion against God, He will allow us to suffer the consequences of our choice. It’s true there was a lot of prayer before the last election, with Christians fervently beseeching God to intervene and help.  But while the nation remains in rebellion, He will not.  As it is, whatever policies are now put in place, things will only get worse.  There will, without doubt, be increased financial instability and social unrest, and increased division on our streets, as external power groupings seek to assert themselves and, ultimately, gain control.

But the good news – and there is good news – is that God, the Father of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, remains sovereign of our nation and stands ready to help.  He is calling us to repent and, just as in WW2 and countless other times in our history, He will deliver us … if we will only respond and call out to Him for help.

There is undeniably a battle ahead, and it is not inconceivable that we shall shortly find ourselves a nation at war, once again perhaps standing alone against a foreign aggressor.  Only God can deliver us, and for that time we shall need a new leader, anointed and appointed by God Himself … ‘a new Churchill’.

VfJUK commits itself to stand in the gap for our nation, calling out to men and women to repent.  Will you join with us?  Will you commit to praying in these dark times for the salvation and deliverance of our nation?

Over the next months – however long it takes – we shall at various times call for days of fasting and prayer.  Watch this space and, please, join with us!

But, from this time too, we need prayer warriors who will commit daily to warring in the Spirit for our land.  In particular, we need to pray for the darkness smothering the UK to be ripped aside, and for the light of truth to shine once more upon the peoples of our nation, that they might come to know the One and Only God, and seek to follow Him in obedience.
The storm is coming.  The distant thunder and first flashes of lightning are already visible. 

Please join us to pray for the repentance and salvation of our nation.
Please register at:

We promise not to bombard you with emails, but we will keep you abreast of any developments that we think need prayer.

May God have mercy on our nation, and deliver us from evil.

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