Education Secretary Bridget Phillipson says she wants to make education ‘more diverse’. She wants to decolonise subjects which have been branded too ‘mono-cultural’. For English, for example, she wants to get rid of the stranglehold of ‘dead white men’, replacing white writers and playwrights with ‘more diverse authors reflective of multi-cultural Britain. These changes are part of an ideological […]
READ MOREVoice for Justice UK is now on its summer break. The office will be closed from today, 1st August, till the 31st. We shall re-open on 1st September. We wish you all a happy and blessed summer, and look forward to catching up with you in the autumn! In the meantime, please sign and share as widely […]
READ MOREPrior to the General Election, Sir Keir Starmer expressed his unequivocal support for any future Bill on assisted dying that would come before Parliament. Now, barely three weeks into the new Parliament and with what feels to be almost unseemly haste, that Bill is set to be introduced into the House of Lords by Lord Falconer […]
READ MORESign the Petition Here. | Read More We call for proper scrutiny and regulation of all healthcare settings, with mandated inspection and oversight to ensure compliance with NICE guidelines for compassionate and appropriate end of life care. We call for a national inventory of healthcare providers, and for better regulation that genuinely respects patient preference for the care and treatment they receive. And we demand that the right of all patients to food – if they are able, with help, to consume it – and hydration be respected... Sign the Petition Here. | Read More
READ MORESign the Petition Here. | Read More We call upon His Majesty’s Government to uphold freedom of religion and belief in the UK, and to disallow policies that seek to suppress religious belief and discriminate against Christians. We call upon the Government to uphold the right to free speech for all. We have the following areas of concern... Sign the Petition Here. | Read More
READ MORESign the Petition Here. | Read More Recently a teenage girl was sworn and spat at by a mob of up to 60 baying and screaming schoolfellows, who drove her from the room in tears, after she challenged the view that gender critical theory takes precedence over biology. Accused of transphobia, she was subsequently forced to study alone in the school library, until she could stand the situation no more and left, studying for her A-levels alone, at home ... Sign the Petition Here. | Read More
READ MOREPetition Closed 15th June 2022
Number of signatures: 6,450
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The book, Noah can’t even, by gay activist author Simon James Green – with its blasphemous gay parody of the Lord’s Prayer, and sexually explicit behaviour involving LGBTQ characters – is a direct insult to Christian belief.
As specifically aimed at the teen market, it is clearly designed to normalise LGBTQ behaviours to young people and encourage experimentation. While society might find such representations amusing, such books have no place within a setting dedicated to educating the young in line with Christian teaching and belief. More seriously perhaps, such inappropriate sexualisation of young minds encourages them into acceptance of moral laxity and promiscuous behaviours, exposing young people to medical, emotional, and psychological harm...
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The BBC has, after what they say was a competitive recruitment process, appointed a new Religion editor, Aleem Maqbool. Mr Maqbool, a Muslim and journalist of some note, previously acted as the BBC’s Pakistan Correspondent and Gaza/West Bank Correspondent. He is due to take up his new position this Spring. Maqbool succeeds Martin Bashir and, before that, Aaqil Ahmed. Two of these men are overtly Muslim, and one is of Muslim heritage. In Ahmed’s promotion of multicultural programming, there were numerous complaints of anti-Christian bias and calls for his removal... Read More
READ MORESign the Petition Here. | Read More ... Through its Diversity Champions Scheme, offered to government departments, public-sector organizations, businesses, and schools, it has actively encouraged policies promoting and normalising LGBTQ+ life-style choices and behaviours in the wider community. In its advice, and in pursuit of its aims, it has misrepresented and misapplied equality law, with the deliberate intention of shaping public policy...
READ MOREPetition Closed on 1st Dec 2021 - Closing Signatures 8176 ...As a matter or priority, in the evacuation of those known to be vulnerable, we call on the UK to rescue and offer sanctuary to Afghan Christians. We call for action before it becomes too late – and there is no one left to save... Read more | Sign the Petition Here.
READ MOREPetition Closed on 1st Dec 2021 - Closing Signatures 4073 | Martin Bashir’s behaviour in securing an interview with Diana, Princess of Wales, has been revealed as clear evidence of a systemic lack of moral integrity in the BBC. Further, from its presentation of both the news and drama, it is clear that in recent years the BBC has become an ideological tool for promotion of an agenda actively hostile to Christianity – which historically has underpinned and given strength to our society for over a thousand years – to the maintenance of traditional morality, and to the time-honoured and hitherto accepted character of British society... Read more | Sign the Petition Here.
READ MOREPetition Closed on 1st Dec 2021 - Closing Signatures 6873 | On Good Friday, Sir Keir Starmer visited the Jesus House for all the Nations Church in Brent, warmly commending it for its contribution to the local community by serving as a vaccination centre. However, the Labour campaign group for LGBT+ Rights, having discovered that the senior pastor of the church, Agu Irukwu, opposed same sex marriage and the philosophy underlying current equality law, branded the visit ‘unacceptable’ and demanded their leader apologise. Sir Keir immediately complied, apologising for the hurt caused to the LGBT community and saying the visit had been “a mistake”... Read more | Sign the Petition Here.
READ MORESign the Petition Here. | Since the new Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) Regulations were introduced in June 2019, safeguarding issues have come to light that have provoked serious parental concern – in some places leading to demonstrations and protests outside schools. As a matter of urgency and for the wellbeing and safety of children, we urge the Secretary of State for Education to address the issues below... Read more | Sign the Petition Here.
READ MORESign the Petition Here. | On 23 October, the Government posted notice of the award of a contract to the firm Genpact UK, to supply AI software designed to monitor adverse reactions to the Covid vaccines. It followed the posting of an advert in September in TED (Tenders Electronic Daily), the ‘'Supplement to the Official Journal of the EU ("OJ S"), dedicated to European public procurement”, that ran, ‘The MHRA urgently seeks an Artificial Intelligence (AI) software tool to process the expected high volume of Covid-19 vaccine Adverse Drug Reaction (ADRs) and ensure that no details from the ADRs’ reaction text are missed’... We call on Government to tell the public the truth and give full disclosure of any and all adverse reactions there have so far been - and are anticipated - from administration of Covid-19 vaccines. Read more | Sign the Petition Here.
READ MORELast week, without warning and with no explanation, Twitter suspended the accounts of Voice for Justice UK (VfJUK), ParentPower, 40 Days UK, and RSE Authentic. They have so far failed to respond to requests for an explanation and for reinstatement. All four organizations are conservative with a small ‘c’ and support traditional family values in education. All four seek to protect children from abuse and exploitation. VfJUK also seeks to uphold Christian belief and freedom of speech.. Read more
READ MOREPetition Closed on 1st Dec 2021 - Closing Signatures 6873 | Racism is not the problem. Rebellion against God’s word is the problem. We call on the Archbishop of Canterbury to provide spiritual leadership that aligns with the teachings of the Bible, and to acquaint himself more fully and accurately with the history of slavery and Britain’s involvement..... Read more | Sign the Petition Here.
READ MOREThis petition has now closed, with 10,398 signatures.
During Ramadan, Waltham Forest and Newham Councils have given approval for 27 mosques to broadcast the Muslim daily call to prayer across the Boroughs by loudspeaker. While one can appreciate and indeed sympathise with the difficulties faced by Muslims in observing Ramadan at this time, it is wrong to allow public broadcast of the message, "there is no god except Allah," including as it does a call upon listeners to submit.
Sign the Petition Here. | We are mindful of the care being taken by Government to implement measures to protect the public from further infection by Covid-19 at this time of crisis, but we call for the immediate re-opening of churches, in order to best care for the spiritual needs of the nation.... Read more | Sign the Petition Here.
READ MOREThis petition was closed on 29th October 2020 with 27,099 signatures.
Sign the Petition Here. | In light of the current closure of schools under measures taken to tackle and reduce the spread of the coronavirus COVID-19, the consultation required under law between schools and parents for the drawing up of policy for Relationships Education, and Relationships and Sex Education - that becomes compulsory by law from September this year - has been unable to take place... Read more | Sign the Petition Here.
Investigate Franklin Graham’s bullying opponents for hate crimes. Sign the Petition Here. ...Activists have mounted a campaign to get the tour stopped, branding Mr Graham homophobic, because he maintains, in line with the Bible, that homosexuality is a sin. In defence, Mr Graham has said that we are all sinners – himself included – and that we all stand in need of Christ’s forgiveness. Dismissing this well-established Christian doctrine, however, his opponents have continued their campaign of vilification, with the result that arenas booked across the country have now cancelled.... Sign the Petition Here.
READ MOREBan puberty blockers for children. Petition to: The Rt Hon Matt Hancock MP - Secretary of State for Health and Social Care: Ban Puberty Blockers for children - Sign the Petition Here. Young children being assessed for gender reassignment treatment are commonly being prescribed puberty blockers to delay the onset of puberty. As justification, doctors maintain that the transition to adulthood for children experiencing gender dysphoria can be highly distressing, while inhibiting the development of adult sexual characteristics simplifies future treatment for reassignment. They argue that puberty blockers have no long-term effects and are easily reversible.... Sign the Petition Here.
READ MOREReject calls to legalise abortion up to birth. We call on Her Majesty’s Government to reject absolutely any and all calls to legalise abortion up to birth. Sign the Petition Here. At the recent G7 Summit in Biarritz, world leaders were told by the Gender Equality Advisory Council that removing all legal safeguards and allowing abortion up to birth is recommended good practice in advancing gender equality. In recent months, and using similar arguments, abortion activists in the UK have similarly been pushing for the legalisation of abortion up to birth - and for its extension to Northern Ireland, in clear disregard of the democratically expressed will of the people of that Province... Sign the Petition Here.
READ MOREThis petition was closed on 29th October 2020 with 7,683 signatures.
Sign the Petition Here.
We call for urgent enquiry into the Governance of the BBC
The BBC has become an ideological tool for promotion of an agenda actively hostile to Christianity and to the maintenance of traditional morality, which historically has underpinned and given strength to our society for over a thousand years. In promoting this agenda it displays contempt for Christian belief, abusing its position to provide ‘... impartial, high-quality and distinctive output and services, which inform, educate and entertain’.
In a recent broadcast of its flagship Christian programme Songs of Praise, the Corporation broadcast a supposed homosexual marriage ceremony performed at Rutherglen United Reformed Church near Glasgow. It chose to do this knowing that the Bible prohibits any and all sex outside marriage, laid down as between one man and one woman for life, for their mutual benefit and support and for the bringing up of any children that may result from their union. It chose to broadcast this moreover in the clear and certain knowledge that such ceremonies are banned by leading Christian denominations, including the Church of England, the Church of Wales, and the Roman Catholic and Orthodox Churches...
Petition closed on 26th May 2020 | 13,441 signatures
Kristie Higgs, a pastoral assistant at Farmor’s Academy in Gloucester, was recently sacked after posting concerns on her personal Facebook page about RSE lessons at a nearby Church of England Primary School attended by her own child. Worried especially by the use of two story books promoting homosexuality and transgenderism, Kristie, a committed Christian, asked friends to sign a Voice for Justice UK petition calling for the right of parents to have children educated in line with their religious beliefs. For this she was anonymously reported for homophobia to the school where she worked, with the result that she was summoned to a disciplinary hearing at which she was sacked for gross misconduct.
It is unacceptable that a devout Christian mother, with an exemplary work record spanning six years, should be penalised for expressing justifiable concerns over teaching that prematurely introduces children to sexual issues of which they would otherwise be unaware, and that runs directly contrary to her Christian faith...
This petition was closed on 29th October 2020 with 11,581 signatures.
Sign the Petition Here.
Petition to: Reject flawed and dangerous RSE regulations
Sex and Relationships Education up to now has been a disaster. Despite all efforts we still have one of the highest teenage pregnancy rates in Western Europe; one of the highest teenage abortion rates in Western Europe; epidemic level STIs amongst teenagers; frightening levels of child addiction to pornography; unprecedented levels of diagnosable mental illness among children; and police reports of alarming and growing numbers of child-on-child sex abuse, some including children as young as five...
READ MORE On Monday July 3, the Government proudly announced a 75 point plan to improve the lives of gay people, eliminating discrimination and advancing ‘equality’. Citing a recent survey of gay people in the UK, the BBC stated, “LGBT hate incidents had been experienced by 40% of people in the survey, with more than nine in 10 of the most serious offences going unreported.” Seemingly, however, such even-handed treatment does not extend to Christians, who routinely in the UK today are being subjected to intolerance, harassment, and abuse - despite the fact that freedom of belief is enshrined in Art 9 of the Human Rights Act 1998, and is listed equally as a protected characteristic, alongside such characteristics as age, disability, sex and race, under the Equality Act 2010...
READ MOREThis Petition has now closed
To: To the Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice - the Rt Hon David Gauke MP
...The current proposals to remove any element of fault from divorce trivialises both the commitment to, and solemnity of, marriage. It destroys any idea of covenant, and risks making it from the outset a temporary contract that can be terminated at whim by either party, without agreement from the other side...
This petition was closed on 29th October 2020 with 20,119 signatures.
The attempted push by LGBT activists to make teaching about alternative lifestyles and sexualities compulsory for all children from the age of 4 is a declaration of war against Christianity. It suppresses freedom of belief as enshrined in the Bible, and denies the right to free speech. Worse, it is a form of indoctrination of young minds, who have no experience or understanding of the possible outcomes of different behaviours and who, by definition, lack the emotional and intellectual maturity to judge such issues for themselves.
This petition was closed on 4th February 2020 with 5,486 Signatures. On Saturday, 14thJuly, Bournemouth held a Gay Pride Parade through the centre of town. According to the local paper, thousands of spectators lined the streets to welcome the dozens of floats celebrating lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender culture. The parade was led by crews from Dorset and Wiltshire Fire Service, joined by members of the police force, fire service and paramedics. David Skinner is an elderly gentleman who also attended, but in his case to bear witness to the shocking death at the turn of the century of Harry Hammond, a 69 year old, Christian street preacher, who in 2001 was physically attacked at a similar parade, after the sign he was carrying provoked outrage from the crowd...
READ MOREThis petition was closed on 12th May 2020 with a total of 6,918 signatures. Please sign our petition to the Prime Minister, the Rt Hon Theresa May, calling for Government to scrap the guidance stopping parental access to children’s medical records We thought it was maybe misinterpretation of new GDPR requirements, when parents started to receive letters from their doctors’ surgeries telling them they would no longer be allowed access to their child’s medical records, unless the child gave explicit permission. It appears, however, that we were wrong, because the Government has now issued a Briefing Paper entitled Patient records and confidentiality. And as s part of this, The British Medical Association (BMA) has produced guidance on confidentiality and the disclosure of health records in relation to children. The guidance states: ‘…children who are aged 12 or over are generally expected to have capacity to give or withhold their consent to the release of information … If the child is competent to understand what is involved in the proposed treatment, the health professional should, unless there are convincing reasons to the contrary … respect the child’s wishes if they do not want parents or guardians to know. However, every reasonable effort must be made to persuade the child to involve parents or guardians particularly for important or life-changing decisions.’ (House of Commons Briefing Paper, Number 07103, 25 May 2018)
READ MORE On Monday July 3, the Government proudly announced a 75 point plan to improve the lives of gay people, eliminating discrimination and advancing ‘equality’. Citing a recent survey of gay people in the UK, the BBC stated, “LGBT hate incidents had been experienced by 40% of people in the survey, with more than nine in 10 of the most serious offences going unreported.” Seemingly, however, such even-handed treatment does not extend to Christians, who routinely in the UK today are being subjected to intolerance, harassment, and abuse - despite the fact that freedom of belief is enshrined in Art 9 of the Human Rights Act 1998, and is listed equally as a protected characteristic, alongside such characteristics as age, disability, sex and race, under the Equality Act 2010...
READ MOREThis petition was closed on 4th February 2020 with 6,250 Signatures.
Recent figures released by NHS Digital and reported in the national press reveal that in the past two years 10,593 contraceptive implants have been given to schoolgirls below the age of 15 – some even as young as 12 – without their parents’ knowledge or consent.
READ MOREReduce the time limit for abortion from 24 to 20 weeks!
In 1990 the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act lowered the legal time limit for abortion from 28 to 24 weeks, which was at the time the accepted point of viability – the time when the child was recognised as capable of independent existence outside the womb. Medical advances since that time mean that a baby born at 22 weeks has around a 10% chance of survival, 3.4% surviving without medical impairment.
Since 1967 over 9 million abortions have been performed in this country. Despite what was claimed when abortion was legalised in 1967, less than 2% of these have been for medical reasons, with a staggering 98% performed for what are euphemistically termed ‘social reasons’, meaning that, for whatever cause, the baby was simply unwanted.
VfJUK received an email yesterday directing our attention to a poll on Assisted Dying currently being run by the BMJ (British Medical Journal). It may be remembered that the BMJ has recently issued a call to government for assisted dying to be legalised to reflect the view of what they call ‘the great majority of […]
READ MOREWith increasing reports of people seeking reversal of gender reassignment surgery (see recent report in The Independent, ; see also The Guardian, we call for medical intervention to change gender, whether surgical or by the administration of sex changing hormones, to be banned below the age of 18. Increasingly in schools, children as young […]
READ MOREProtecting the rights of free speech for Christian MPs Protect the right to free speech of Christian MPs. Do not allow Secular and LGBT activists to suppress Christian belief. December 2017: VfJUK delivers the petition with over 30,000 signatures to Downing Street. Although we have had formal acknowledgment of delivery, we are still awaiting a […]
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